List of Place Emojis

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There are 84 emojis tagged 'place' in the standard Unicode emoji list. These emojis are available for use on most mobile devices as well as Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites.

This list show these emojis' names and how they appear when they are used on various platforms. The right-most platform, 'native', is a plain-text version of the emoji that can be copied and pasted.

Place Emojis

emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
Foggy 🌁
Night With Stars 🌃
Sunrise Over Mountains 🌄
Sunrise 🌅
Cityscape At Dusk 🌆
Sunset Over Buildings 🌇
Bridge At Night 🌉
Water Wave 🌊
Volcano 🌋
Milky Way 🌌
emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
Earth Globe Europe-africa 🌍
Earth Globe Americas 🌎
Earth Globe Asia-australia 🌏
Globe With Meridians 🌐
New Moon Symbol 🌑
Waxing Crescent Moon Symbol 🌒
First Quarter Moon Symbol 🌓
Waxing Gibbous Moon Symbol 🌔
Full Moon Symbol 🌕
Waning Gibbous Moon Symbol 🌖
emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
Last Quarter Moon Symbol 🌗
Waning Crescent Moon Symbol 🌘
Crescent Moon 🌙
New Moon With Face 🌚
First Quarter Moon With Face 🌛
Last Quarter Moon With Face 🌜
Full Moon With Face 🌝
Sun With Face 🌞
Glowing Star 🌟
Shooting Star 🌠
emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
Carousel Horse 🎠
Ferris Wheel 🎡
Roller Coaster 🎢
Circus Tent 🎪
Ticket 🎫
Performing Arts 🎭
Slot Machine 🎰
Snow Capped Mountain


Beach With Umbrella

emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
Building Construction

House Buildings


Derelict House Building

Classical Building


Desert Island

National Park


House Building 🏠
emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
House With Garden 🏡
Office Building 🏢
Japanese Post Office 🏣
European Post Office 🏤
Hospital 🏥
Bank 🏦
Automated Teller Machine 🏧
Hotel 🏨
Love Hotel 🏩
Convenience Store 🏪
emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
School 🏫
Department Store 🏬
Factory 🏭
Izakaya Lantern 🏮
Japanese Castle 🏯
European Castle 🏰
Barber Pole 💈
Wedding 💒
Round Pushpin 📍
Japanese Symbol For Beginner 🔰
emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
World Map

Mount Fuji 🗻
Tokyo Tower 🗼
Statue Of Liberty 🗽
Silhouette Of Japan 🗾
Put Litter In Its Place Symbol 🚮
Circled Information Source


First Quarter Moon

Last Quarter Moon

emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native

Remember: Different devices have different versions of the same emojis!

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