List of Travel Emojis

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There are 132 emojis tagged 'travel' in the standard Unicode emoji list. These emojis are available for use on most mobile devices as well as Facebook, Twitter, and other social media sites.

This list show these emojis' names and how they appear when they are used on various platforms. The right-most platform, 'native', is a plain-text version of the emoji that can be copied and pasted.

Travel Emojis

emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
Negative Squared Wc

Horse Racing 🏇
Swimmer 🏊
Racing Motorcycle

Racing Car

Seat 💺
Moyai 🗿
Rocket 🚀
Helicopter 🚁
Steam Locomotive 🚂
emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
Railway Car 🚃
High-speed Train 🚄
High-speed Train With Bullet Nose 🚅
Train 🚆
Metro 🚇
Light Rail 🚈
Station 🚉
Tram 🚊
Tram Car 🚋
Bus 🚌
emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
Oncoming Bus 🚍
Trolleybus 🚎
Bus Stop 🚏
Minibus 🚐
Ambulance 🚑
Fire Engine 🚒
Police Car 🚓
Oncoming Police Car 🚔
Taxi 🚕
Oncoming Taxi 🚖
emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
Automobile 🚗
Oncoming Automobile 🚘
Recreational Vehicle 🚙
Delivery Truck 🚚
Articulated Lorry 🚛
Tractor 🚜
Monorail 🚝
Mountain Railway 🚞
Suspension Railway 🚟
Mountain Cableway 🚠
emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
Aerial Tramway 🚡
Ship 🚢
Rowboat 🚣
Speedboat 🚤
Horizontal Traffic Light 🚥
Vertical Traffic Light 🚦
Construction Sign 🚧
Police Cars Revolving Light 🚨
Triangular Flag On Post 🚩
Door 🚪
emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
No Entry Sign 🚫
Smoking Symbol 🚬
No Smoking Symbol 🚭
Put Litter In Its Place Symbol 🚮
Do Not Litter Symbol 🚯
Potable Water Symbol 🚰
Non-potable Water Symbol 🚱
Bicycle 🚲
No Bicycles 🚳
Bicyclist 🚴
emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
Mountain Bicyclist 🚵
Pedestrian 🚶
No Pedestrians 🚷
Children Crossing 🚸
Mens Symbol 🚹
Womens Symbol 🚺
Restroom 🚻
Baby Symbol 🚼
Toilet 🚽
Water Closet 🚾
emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
Shower 🚿
Bath 🛀
Bathtub 🛁
Passport Control 🛂
Customs 🛃
Baggage Claim 🛄
Left Luggage 🛅
Triangle With Rounded Corners

Prohibited Sign


emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
Railway Track

Motor Boat

Up-pointing Military Airplane

Up-pointing Airplane

Up-pointing Small Airplane

Small Airplane

Northeast-pointing Airplane

Airplane Departure

Airplane Arriving

Oncoming Fire Engine

emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
Diesel Locomotive

Passenger Ship

Helm Symbol

Hot Springs
Black Universal Recycling Symbol
Wheelchair Symbol
Warning Sign
High Voltage Sign
Disabled Car

emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native

Car Sliding

Helmet With White Cross

Circled Crossing Lanes


No Entry
Alternate One-way Left Way Traffic

Black Two-way Left Way Traffic

White Two-way Left Way Traffic

Black Left Lane Merge

emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
White Left Lane Merge

Heavy White Down-pointing Triangle

Left Closed Entry

Squared Saltire

Falling Diagonal In White Circle In Black Square

Black Truck

Restricted Left Entry-1

Restricted Left Entry-2

Black Cross On Shield

Umbrella On Ground

emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
Flag In Hole


Ice Skate

Person With Ball

Headstone Graveyard Symbol

Fuel Pump
Cup On Black Square

White Flag With Horizontal Middle Black Stripe

emoji name apple android (new) android (old) twitter symbola native
Heavy Large Circle
Remember: Different devices have different versions of the same emojis!

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